Why the Ten Commandments are for atheists, too
The Second Commandment:
You shall not take the name of the Lord,
your God, in vain.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will make me go in a corner and cry by myself for hours."
-Eric Idle
A man is hanging a
picture. His hand slips and his finger
shifts in front of the hammer. Instead
of hitting the nail, he hits his thumb.
“Jesus Christ!” he
could have said a lot worse. I have
actually had this discussion with nonbelievers who see absolutely no reason why
they should refrain from using such expressions. Their attitudes usually soften when I point
out that such language might offend people.
They also usually concede that such expressions should not be used
around children.
can we look beyond expressions of anger or surprise? A friend of mine who is a Catholic
priest would routinely use expressions with the Lord’s name, explaining that this is a form of prayer. Whatever you say, Father. He would point out that the real danger in
taking the Lord’s name in vain is the false oath. Consider the following, which all of us have
heard in one form or another:
I swear to God if you don’ t call me later,
I’ll kill you.
be fair, almost nothing in this sentence is meant to be taken literally. No one is swearing to God and no one’s life
is in danger. The only thing the speaker
is trying to say is that he really wants a phone call later. But why do we choose these words to get our
point across? Isn’t there a less extreme
way to say the same thing? Can’t
believers and nonbelievers alike see the problem? We’re making an oath to God in the mundane
routines of daily life.
And what kind of people
are we that we must swear to God to convince others that we’re telling the
truth? Jesus speaks very clearly on this
topic. “Let your ‘yes’ mean ‘yes’
and your ‘no’ mean ‘no.’ Anything else
comes from the evil one.” True!
this very clear instruction, there are times when we have agreed as a people
that sacred oaths are appropriate. In
our society, we generally invoke God’s name when taking an oath in court, or taking vows of marriage, or even public office. These are important events.
Making sure a friend calls us later is important, but maybe we should
rethink the words we use.
what can a nonbeliever take from this? I
think at the very least we can agree that this Commandment points out
that words do matter. They matter a
lot. Words can be vicious and hurtful
words can to stay with us for years, even decades.
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